Tuesday, July 27, 2004

You know you're a new parent when...

...your desktop background at work is a picture of your kid.

Two days back into work. Mom's been a beam of light on Monday after work, and a pack of wolves Tuesday after work. Longterm I'm predicting somewhere in-between. It was nice to leave work with a whole family awaiting your return.

Bellybutton fell off today. Marginally less gross then stub, but I'm told puss ball with clear up.

Working from home tomorrow, need to set ground rules w/mommy. All communication to me will be thru IM, even if you have to walk right past me to get to your computer.

Sunday, July 25, 2004

1 week and already daddy's little boy

I discovered little Aaron likes watching Daddy play video games. I think it's more the light than anything, he seems to stare at lights for hours. He's watching my monitor as I type this.

So it's almost 11PM and he's wide awake. Not good. It's no fair the only time I get with him, he's supposed to be going to bed. Hopefully by next weekend his schedule will be shifted. I've noticed that when he's awake for any length of time, he ends up crying for food or going back to sleep. Now he's starting to entertain himself. Cool!

Going back to work tomorrow. We'll see what kind of routine we'll get into. I'll have to think of some interactive things we can do together and maybe get some chores done at the same time.

Thursday, July 22, 2004


Amy and I took some 20 hours of classes on baby stuff and there was not one word about how to best coordinate sleeping. It would have been the most important information. I suppose Amy was told to "sleep when the baby sleeps", but she's finding that to be impossible. "What do I need to be doing before he wakes?" can keep her up, or she's filled with too much anxiety from emotional overload.

Gas smiles are the funniest thing. Aaron's face goes from grimace to grinning in 2 seconds. Also, when he's in-and-out of sleep, his eyes flash open and they's usually to one side or the other and it looks like he's pretending to be asleep and checking to see who's sneaking up on him.

He's starting to wake, I think he's hungry. Amy will unfortunately have to get up, hopefuly she's been able to sleep. She gets about 5 hours a day if she's lucky.

Monday, July 19, 2004

Announcing Aaron Franklin Hubler

Email I sent out from the hospital
Amy was in labor for 23 1/2 hours. I never realized that when someone says they were in labor for that length of time, it doesn't mean they were killing time for 23 hours, and had pains for 30 minutes. Instead it actually means 1410 minutes of pain, approx. 400 contractions, 17 glasses of ice water, 4 shifts of nurses and 2 shifts of Drs.. Amy did a great job through it all!

Aaron is in great health. Sleeping right now on Mommy's chest after having a nice big dinner.

We should be home Monday around noon time.

6 hours in the house and Aaron's already running the show. We're at his beck and call. I was able to get groceries and put together dinner including some stuffed shells Nana Franklin made. Very good and very handy!

We're preparing for a long night, that's when he does his best screaming. I'm a heavy sleeper but I didn't realize how heavy until last night when he was balling his eyes out and I didn't even roll over. This can be a problem. Amy will have to get good at waking me up when she needs help.

So we're eager to get to know Aaron. So far I'd say he's got a very healthy appetite. Poor Amy. She's starting to make milk now, so with the increase in calories, maybe Aaron's appetite will change.

Lucy was intrigued, Hershey a bit less so. Lucy thinks this can only be bad news at the food dish. She's ready to lay the ground rules to Aaron if she has too.

It's great to be back home w/the baby.

Thursday, July 15, 2004

I'll miss you mucous plug

Amy lost her mucous plug today. I won't look at it, she's slightly offended. I think the little guy is coming tonight. This will probably be my first and last post :)

Usual night for us, Amy at TV, me at terminal. I rented Driv3r for Ps2, driving was fun, missions didn't compare to Grand Theft Auto.